Heretic coffee

  • 2cl Heretic
  • 3cl espresso coffee
Serve directly in a cup of espresso or long coffee.
Add both ingredients and stir to mix the herbal components of the product.
The hermetic aniseed and liquorice hints, together with the coffee, create a simple result, but with an aromatic complexity and flavour that will surprise your palate.

Heretic Beer

  • 5cl Heretic
  • 10cl Black beer
Built in glass cocktail.
Perfect pairing for any time of the day, creating the perfect balance of freshness and flavour.

Heretic on the Rocks

  • 8cl Heretic
Serve straight in a previously chilled old fashioned glass without diluting the water too much and thus feel the soul of our liqueur, revealing all its herbaceous, citric, spicy, sweet and dry nuances.
Great complexity of aromas and flavours await you…